Creature Shroud and Lamp Shields
This kit includes the lagoon shield, and the movie flasher lamp shields. The
parts are the same material as original, black natural fiber board. The
originals usually have broken feet.

The feet are pre-scored. The shroud is cut to allow a little less light to
escape than the originals. You only need three lamp shields, the kit includes
one extra.
The price is $20 shipped, US Priority Mail. Additional kits in the same
shipment are $16. Overseas buyers, please contact me.
Projector Kit
 This kit includes a refurbished holder
with the Creature projector connector; an 8 degree halogen bulb; two spacers and
HWH slotted screws. It can really brighten up a hologram! The price is $20 if
shipped with the shroud.
Finally, I have some screws that might be of interest. Supplies are limited,
meaning it might add a couple of days to shipping if I run out. Pricing is $1.00
for 5 with other orders.
First, truss head screws. These screws have large,
low-profile heads and are great replacements for the washerhead screws
in older WPC machines. The original screws may have wrecked
threads and ripped-up heads. They are used to hold post rubbers
on, amongst other things. I have these in #6 1/4" and 1/2", and #8 1/4"
and 1/2". The 1/2" screws fit most places; occasionally, I have used a
1/4" screw.
Here's a picture of trusshead screws on a ramp entrance.
Next, HWH unslotted screws, replacements for those used
under the playfield.. I have four sizes. #6 is used in older WPC
machines, #8 in newer ones. Thicker devices (flipper plates; solenoids
etc) use 1/2-inch screws. Thinner parts (lamp brackets; thin mounting
brackets like lamps; shrouds) use 7/16" screws, 3/8" is as close as I
could get. Putting a half inch screw into this application will punch a
hole through the playfield surface.
