Fixing the ST:TNG Shield Lenses
Start Trek: The Next Generation had three large banana-shaped lenses on the front of the starship, located in the middle of the playfield. These lenses each sit over two GI lamps and one flasher. These lenses run warm, either because of the GI or maybe stuck-on flashers. Heat causes the clearocat to delaminate.
So I set out to fix them. To compensate for my inability to draw any kind of line better than a 3-year-old with a crayon, I made some mylar sanding and painting templates. I also wanted to do the fix in the machine.
Krylon Fusion black paint
Varathane Diamond water-based polyurethane
Mylar sanding mask
Mylar painting mask
Coarse emery cloth
400 grit sandpaper
Green Scotchbrite pad
Masking tape
Masking paper
Step 1: Install sanding template.
Step 2: Crack off loose clearcoat
Step 3: Sand lenses clean with coarse emery cloth
Step 4: Sand lenses with 400 grit sandpaper.
Step 5: Varathane coat to level lenses and fill dips.
Step 6: Sand cured Varathane to level gouges.
Step 7: Remove sanding mask, install paint mask
Step 8: Install lens masks, leaving a thin gap
Step 8: Krylon black spray
Setp 9: Remove lens masks, 5 coats of Varathane
Step 10: remove masks
Step 11: Fill any surface imperfections, run a bead around the outside edge to
eliminate the step